Today, I am filled with thanks for writers – the journalists, bloggers, poets, story tellers, rappers, novelists, playwrights, columnists… all those who labor to make sense of this crazy world. Nikole Hannah-Jones has been a trusted partner in the telling of my story, and I am grateful. I am grateful to the young writers at Laurel Ridge Middle School and their teacher, Mollie Dickson, who allowed something in my story to inspire them. The Press page has links to today’s articles in The Oregonian.

I am grateful that we in Oregon have our own Poet Laureate, and even more grateful to consider her a friend. Paulann Petersen, the queen of hearts. Her poem for Valentine’s Day could not have been more perfect. Here it is, with love.

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4 Responses to A Poet’s Balance

  1. Case says:

    Hello Jill,
    I was reading the Oregonian online and saw your story. I love what you’re doing! Interesting enough before I found your link – I had just watched a music special where Vince Gill was the performer at the Grand Ole Opry. He sang a wonderful song called, “What You Give Away.” As music does sometimes – I couldn’t get the song out of my head. I found the lyrics and guitar chords and THEN your article. Amazing – God’s timing.I will always think of you when I play this song…..No matter what you make…all that you can take…it’s what you give away. I will continue to follow you online. Thank you for your inspiration…..Case

    • Jill Ginsberg says:

      That is just the sweetest. Thank you so much! I’m going to find a recording and listen to the song. Will think of YOU. Jill

  2. Ava says:

    Jill I’ve been reading your blog for the past 2 weeks since moving to Portland and I am so inspired. My mother passed last November and I love the sentiment behind your gifting. Someone gave me a poem after my mother’s passing that I keep thinking of when I read your blog. Even though your mother is no longer with us, she lives on in your actions.

    Thinking of you
    by Helen Steiner Rice

    In this troubled world
    It’s refreshing to find
    Someone who still has
    The time to be kind,
    Someone who still has
    The faith to believe
    That the more you give
    The more you receive,
    Someone who’s ready
    By thought, word or deed
    To reach out a hand
    In the hour of need.

    • Jill Ginsberg says:

      Ava- My condolences on the loss of your mother. It is so hard. And welcome to Portland! I so appreciate that you are following the blog, and am honored to be thought of in the context of this lovely poem. Thank you thank you! Please stay in touch. Jill

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