Currently viewing the tag: "$100"

I’m drawn to people in pairs these days; I don’t know why. I was in Dollar Tree this afternoon and saw a woman and boy moving through the aisles, clearly looking for something. I followed her for a few minutes, wondering if she was aware of me skulking around behind her. At one point the […]

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A Good Cause

March 15, 2011 by

The first thing I noticed was his feet. Although it was raining and cold, he was wearing flip flops. I saw him as I left the store. He was right outside the door, putting a few groceries into his backpack. I said hi, then something about how his feet must be cold. “Not really,” he […]

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I added a new link to the website (under “Inspiration” at the bottom right) today after reading this story in the Huffington Post. It’s about a (still) homeless woman, Carey Fuller, who lived for years in a Minnie Winnebago with her two kids. She writes a blog about her experiences feeling alone and invisible, and […]

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I was in kind of a crummy mood when I left work today. No particular reason, just one of those days. As I breezed through the lobby I noticed a guy at the front desk that I didn’t recognize and I just blew right by. A mumbled “Have a good one” followed me as the […]

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Oh, Serena!

March 3, 2011 by

You know what’s strange? Cheryl and Paul’s car is still at the tire shop. I was very surprised, and a little worried, to see it today when I drove by. I was on my way to a coffee shop to do some serious writing. I hear that’s where writers do their best work. Someone asked […]

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In the Rain

February 28, 2011 by

I got a lot of comments and emails in response to my last post. Thank you all for letting this story into your heart, painful as it is. I thought of Carrie today as I was driving around; although it wasn’t snowing the weather was windy, cold and wet. Every corner seemed to be occupied […]

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Freezing in Portland

February 24, 2011 by

It snowed! Well, it dusted. All week long, the possibility of snow was making headline news. Then it became a certainty and that was breaking headline news. Names for the upcoming event were flying: Snowpocalypse! Snowmaggedon! By morning today it was obvious that we had dodged a snowy bullet, most areas getting less than an […]

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Caitlin On Her Way

February 22, 2011 by

I decided to do something pretty random to give away $100 today. I was driving home down 15th Avenue and saw a man sitting in a bus shelter. I had the impulse to pull over but it was too late; traffic was heavy and I kind of got swept along. I got the idea to […]

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Music and Mae

February 19, 2011 by

Some days, it feels like that C-note is going to burn a hole right through my pocket before I find someone I’m drawn to give it to. Today wasn’t one of those days. It all started when I realized we were out of butter. While this is certainly not the end of the world, it came […]

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Ryan’s Secret

February 16, 2011 by

There’s a lot of construction in the Lloyd District. When I saw the guy’s reflective safety vest I assumed he had something to do with all that. As I got closer I saw the baton, and realized he was directing cars into the parking lot. Ah, yes. Someone said there was a Blazers game tonight. […]

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