Currently viewing the tag: "connection"

Robert’s Bowl

January 18, 2011 by

In case you missed this story last week, a local chain restaurant is now operating on a pay-as-you-please model. Panera Bread Company opened their third “Panera Cares” Community Cafe, right here in Portland. Actually, they have been operating the shop for a number of years and recently closed it, then re-opened under the new business […]

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I was invited to be the guest speaker at today’s annual luncheon for Northwest Portland Ministries. It was quite an honor; this is a wonderful interfaith organization that provides food, transportation and other volunteer services to people in NW Portland. It was my first time speaking publicly about this journey, and I couldn’t have imagined a […]

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One at a Time

January 10, 2011 by

Sometimes I surprise myself, where I end up. It happened today. I left work, drove around for a bit and got it in my head to stop at the library. But not at my usual branch; this was a big deal! Our neighborhood library happens to be, per capita, the most heavily used library branch […]

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I love the bargains at Goodwill, but I really go there for the selection. While most department stores have a handful of styles in my size (little-bitty), at Goodwill there are DOZENS of options. They have the clothes all sorted by color, which I guess kind of makes sense. This does explain why everything I […]

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Day #2 of 100 hundreds. Back home in Portland, enjoying a few more days of vacation before heading back to work on Monday. Some days you just know you’d better pay attention, like there are lessons to be learned around every corner. It started when I was at the gym this morning. A woman got […]

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Thanks to my son, Elijah, for the beautiful new website! He’s taught me everything I know and then some. My commitment to giving away 100 hundreds in 2011 is starting to sink in. I am thinking of it as a self-imposed estate tax, and that feels right for now. I’ve mentioned the book Rambam’s Ladder […]

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100 Hundreds in 2011

December 30, 2010 by

The other day, a mere couple of blocks from home in my affluent neighborhood, I was shocked to see two people curled up in a doorway. So covered in blankets and rags, they almost escaped my notice. Every week there are new people trolling the streets, their shopping carts piled high with recyclables. What kind of […]

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I love Christmas, I really do. I love that all the stores are closed and there isn’t anywhere to go. I love that the phone probably won’t ring. In the unlikely event the doorbell chimes, it will be a crafty friend with cookies or other homemade goodies. I understand the deep significance of the holiday […]

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A gift of a fresh loaf of homemade bread got today off to a perfect start. The morning’s blue sky gradually surrendered to the usual gray. It was cold and windy but not raining, so I decided to walk to the library. I’m reading a terrific book right now, called Keep the Change by Steve […]

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Thelma Staying Warm

December 5, 2010 by

I was thinking about Gloria from Day 13 today, how she said you never know what gifts or burdens other people are carrying. That seems especially true this time of year. Yesterday’s story about Secret Santas in Charlotte, NC really tickled me. 100 people got surprised with $100! And a lot of people who appear […]

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