Currently viewing the tag: "connection"

Double Take

August 22, 2011 by

Sometimes things happen in my head that I just can’t condone. This morning I was driving back to work from a breakfast meeting up on Alberta. Winding my way along the residential streets I saw a shopping cart piled high with black plastic bags. The bags were enormous and brimming with bottles and cans. That […]

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I carried a hundred dollar bill around in my pocket for most of the week and just didn’t find the right person. The little voices in my head were back, and they had a lot to say. “That guy looks a lot like Charlie; what’s up with that?” “Too nicely dressed. Clearly doesn’t need it. […]

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Just For You

August 5, 2011 by

I thought I would be smarting for days after my encounter with Charlie, but I was fine. I’ve pondered our exchange a lot, and mostly find myself grateful that our paths converged. I got many encouraging emails and comments about the story, and am grateful for that as well. You readers are a kind and […]

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It was a day to give away a hundred dollars! A special sparkly kind of day. I love those days (the perfect weather doesn’t hurt either. Nor does having the day off). We were almost out of milk, and walking to Fred Meyer seemed like a great idea. I’ve given away quite a few hundreds […]

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After so many cool and rainy days in Portland we’re like underground creatures staggering out and blinking into the sun. Today was damn near perfect. Come lunchtime,  I was downtown and had a few minutes for a walk. The streets were packed and every possible perch was occupied by people soaking up some Vitamin D. From a few […]

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I wasn’t thinking about Germany when I got up this morning. Not even about my mother. I was thinking about shopping. As you may have gathered if you’ve been following along for a bit, most of my clothes date back to the last century. Except for the things I’ve picked up at Goodwill. That’s some […]

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What’s better than stepping outside and eating food from your own garden? I would argue: nothing. Gardening definitely appeals to the cheapskate in me (look! free food!). But it’s not just that. I’ve always loved working outside, from early memories helping my Dad chop wood for the fireplace. I would climb into the wheelbarrow and […]

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Messed Up

June 27, 2011 by

I kept hearing sirens all morning long from my office near the Convention Center. There was yet another fatal shooting early today and the violence seems to be on everyone’s mind. I ate lunch at my desk and then realized I needed some air and to walk around for a minute. Once outside, I saw […]

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Meeting Mark

June 22, 2011 by

If there’s one thing I love, it’s a bargain. That’s probably not news to anyone who’s been paying attention. I’ve scored some amazing deals at Goodwill in the past couple of months. Here’s my latest find: This was an extra good deal, because the jacket was marked 50% off the regular price of $14.99. I […]

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I’ve walked through (or by) Holladay Park near Lloyd Center countless times, and somehow I’ve never noticed this metal sculpture by Tad Savinar. It’s really amazing when you see it up close: And, my favorite part: According to a Portland Public Art blog, the sculpture depicts Carolyn Marks-Bax, a former neighborhood organizer, aide to former County Commissioner […]

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