Currently viewing the tag: "family"

In the old days, when you walked down the street by yourself you were in a little zone of quiet. If someone spied your lips moving they assumed you were talking to yourself. Nowadays, it seems like people don’t ever have to talk to themselves; there’s always someone on the other end of a phone […]

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Many thanks to the First Baptist Church’s Downtown Fellowship for the warm welcome on Thursday! It was lovely to share my story with such an attentive and insightful group. I met many wonderful people, including a couple who were married in the church 60 years ago! What an inspiration to meet Marian Boehr, who graduated […]

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Seeing Double

May 27, 2011 by

It’s my birthday! I wanted to make sure to give a gift in honor of my Mom. And the miracle of circumstance that brought me into this world. I am grateful to be here. Birthdays aren’t so simple, though. It’s usually a time of semi-morbid self-reflection. And – although I am not a big fan […]

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When I headed to bed shortly before midnight last night, I never expected that I would be starting the new day in the emergency pet hospital. On the way up I said goodnight to Patches, the calico who has called our place home for the last five years since we took her in as a […]

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We had a short ceremony today and “unveiled” the headstone marking my mother’s grave. By Jewish tradition, the one-year anniversary of the death of a parent marks the end of a period of deep mourning. It’s just regular old mourning from here on out: the ups and downs of memory and loss. We Jews generally […]

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At least for today, spring has sprung in the Pacific Northwest. What a beauty! Along with most everyone else in town, I spent a good chunk of the day outside. I got some vegetables planted and played with worms. When I was ready to quit, I suggested to Louise that we take a walk to the […]

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Time passes. Seasons come and go, spring always arriving in the nick of time. Neighbors move; trees get planted and grow tall. Children move out, then sometimes back in. Before you know it, your driver’s license needs to be renewed. Every so often, you have to show up with your paperwork and get a new […]

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I know I’ve said this before, but I don’t think it can be said too often: you just never know what’s going to happen when you step your foot out the door (or stay in, for that matter). We got home from Ireland late Thursday night and I’m still trying to claw my way out […]

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We’ve had a beautiful few days in Dublin; the nicest weather all year. It’s made for some amazing crowds on the street; lots of musicians and even a piano in the middle of the street! I definitely wanted to give some money away today but felt a bit apprehensive about it. People here are generally […]

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If you ask me to pray for you, I will gladly say yes. Then I’ll probably feel a little guilty – unsure I can deliver as expected. Prayer, in the sense most people mean, is not part of my routine.  As I’ve said before, I don’t really believe in God. I’m not looking for an argument here, but this is […]

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